Domeniche in Festa: Animali cibernetici


23 Sep 18

Sunday 23 September '18





After the summer break, Domeniche in Festa's programming, curated by ZonArte network and supported by the CRT Foundation for Modern and Contemporary Art, returns to OGR. The Education Department of the Castello di Rivoli proposes to all the families a great party, a year afar from the "Big Bang" which last Autumn, in 2017, saw the re-birth of the new OGR.
During the workshop, a phantasmagorical bestiary will take form as a tribute to that "elsewhere" in which ZonArte immersed itself a year ago (while exploring with the public the new and mysterious lands on the occasion of Tutto Infinito, the project by Patrick Tuttofuoco at OGR).
Curious hybrids in which the animal and the artificial dimensions merge by taking inspiration from the imagery linked to the world of machines and robotics, which has fascinated artists and scientists of all times.

The animal element will invade the OGR "animating" the spaces; also the metamorphic creatures created by adults and children will be an implicit homage to the metamorphic skills of the place: from a factory for rail vehicles repair to forge for thought, artistic and technological research, wellness, and leisure.

Participation is free, reservation is requested: 011.9565213,
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